List of Associations

There are various organization, associations and not-for-profit groups you will want to know about. Here is a list of those related to this website. Feel free to look into their activities to determine which may be of interest to you. We are sure you will enjoy knowing more.

Vacation Rental Angels Charity

Voluntary program from Vacation Rental Association. VRAI Members donate vacation home use to charitable causes and display the VRAI Angel Icon.
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DETAILS: The publisher does not guarantee the activities of listed Associations and readers are urged to visit and examine them prior to joining or participating. Associations not yet listed can email this publisher contact information to be included. They may also submit news, blogs and other information for possible inclusion. Submission gives publisher permission to display such information as it sees fit on this website and other media, and permission can not be retracted.. Please report inappropriate or undesirable linked news by emailing the website.